Sunday, January 24, 2010

Socratic Seminar

The socratic seminar was completed after two periods. During the first one, i was sick and absent. Thankfully my great teacher Mr. Carpenter had the gratitude of sending me the notes explaining what the seminar was so that I would know what was going on when I attended the next class. Mr carpenter sent me the following notes:
We will have an inner circle of students listening and
discussing each of the Essential Questions with the remainder of the
class sitting on the outside. Different students from time to time
will enter the inner circle. Mr. Carpenter will facilitate with
starter questions and help guide the participants to ask further questions not only to the students presenting their response to the EQ but to anyone in the inner circle.
The next class wasn't completely what I thought it was be. My teacher was absent so Ms. Connaway substituted for him. At first the class was going well but then it got out of order. I blame all our class for this because we were irresponsible and disrespectful towards ms. Connaway whoom I owe an apology. My classmates the Myriams, Hanane, Mohamed B. and Karim helped me come up with important points. As a class and as an individual, we worked well but towards the end of class, it was chaos.

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